Tuesday, March 2, 2010

lil monster and lil vampire...

So i know that you are wondering where those names are from and what they are for... let me introduce you to my kids. before i go on, and just for the record...my husband came up with those names...nice huh?

first there's our lil man Kadyn (the monster). He just turned one in januaray. He's got 8 teeth already learning to bite... in fact he chomped down on brent' leg yesterday morning! lol, glad it wasn't mine. Any ways... he's learning to run like crazy now. he's always getting into things, grabbing stuff off the tables, running off with everyone's phones. thats where his dad came up with his nickname monster. i think its cute. but sometimes he can be a lil monster. but hes a very cute one!!

then there's our lil girl Harlee (the vampire). She just turned 2 months old, i'm sure you can guess why he calls her that... no, she doesn't bite yet. But she does sleep ALL day long and then is up ALL night long. its really frustrating too. she also doesn't sleep in her own bed when we are at home, but she will sleep in her swing. now if we are at my mom's tho she has no problem sleeping at night or in her own bed. So what are we doing different here than at my moms?

now that you've met my kids.... my real question is: Is it bad that we put them to bed with a bottle? I've been hearing a lot here lately not to put them to bed with a bottle. but why? i do know that when Kadyn gets up at in the middle of the night he will take a bottle and go right back to sleep till its time to get up. for harlee that's pretty much the ONLY way i can get her to go to sleep is by giving her a bottle. So if your not supposed to give them a bottle to be put to bed then whats another way of doin it??


  1. Aww Harlee is a little vampire,Cash likes his vanmpire girlfriend though!

  2. HI! I came over here to visit after Jessica posted on her blog about yours. I'm Josh's sister. ANYWAY the main reason to not put a baby to bed with a bottle is tooth decay


    you're little girl I wouldn't worry about...most babies eat thru the night in fact my second didn't stop taking a bottle in the middle of the night until 8ish months...and that is cus I finally took that one away cus he didn't need it anymore. But eventually they have to learn to fall back to sleep on their own and not have that bottle there to soothe them. I dunno I personally don't want to be up making a bottle for my one year old in the middle of the night when he gets plenty of nutrition during the day if that makes sense. For Levi it was mostly just habit...he was used to waking up in the middle of the night to have that bottle...soooo he always did. But after it was gone he quickly got used to falling back to sleep without it. So while it's easier to just do whatever gets em back to sleep it's not always the best on a regular basis.....I'm not saying if it's an occasional thing for him to wake up for that bottle that is horrible...but on a nightly basis it could be damaging to his teeth.

    and good luck with your biter.....my boy is my biter and OMG it makes me crazy haha

  3. thanks for the comments. how did you break him of not giving him a bottle in the middle of the night? i know that he doesn't keep it in his mouth long bc once he's asleep i take the bottle from him. he generally wakes up once in the middle of the night, and thankfully i'm not having to make formula bottles for him just regular milk. any tips you can give me would be great!!

  4. this is what worked for us....it took about 3ish weeks total I think....but it worked for us. I just started making his bottles smaller and smaller...he was SOOO used to getting up to eat he would do it EVERY NIGHT...even when he wasnt finishing it....sooo I started making them a little smaller...we went 8 oz most of the time...so I dropped it to 6 oz for 3 or 4 days....then dropped it to 4 oz for a few days...then 3 then 2....and doing it slow like that he just got to where he would go back to sleep without it....he was still waking up for a little bit but the bottle was gone...and within a couple weeks after that he stopped waking up for it....

    I'm sure it wont work for everyone but it's worth a try. Levi was such a change for me. Baylee was a GREAT sleeper slept thru the night at 7 weeks...it was AWESOME haha I seriously couldnt grasp why people thought newborns were SOOOO hard haha THEN we had Levi....he was colicy.....took us months to find a formula that didn't upset his belly....didn't sleep thru the night until 10+ months lol ummm can we say payback for having such an easy go the first time.
